Consistently Inconsistent Sales Reps?

Consistently Inconsistent Sales Reps?

Is your team filled with consistently inconsistent sales? Do your sales reps make the quota one month and miss the next? Do they seem to have the skills but their performance is chaotic? What is causing all of this inconsistency?

Common Problems:

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Are Emails Controlling Your Time?


Proactive vs. Reactive: Is email controlling you?

Time management is a crucial basic skill to achieve sales success. The ultimate goal is to fill your day with high pay-off activities that are building connections and filling your pipeline. Too often salespeople unknowingly let valuable time get lost forever which results in lost sales.

Time to be proactive and take back control of your in-box. Are your emails out of control?

Did you know?

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How is Melissa Whitaker International Different?

At Melissa Whitaker International (MWI), we are asked on a regular basis “How are we  different?”  “There are A LOT of Sales & Management Training Companies out there, so why should I do business with you?  Here at MWI we have a very different approach:

  • We believe in authentic selling.  Developing sales teams to be conversational, trust-worthy and show their strengths.  We don’t believe in “old school selling.”

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