Melissa Whitaker needs your help to win a GRANT!


Chase is giving away $250,000 to 12 small businesses.  

We want to be able to help your business grow more!

Help us create more jobs and create growth for you. . . .

What would MWI do with $250,000 dollars?

Melissa Whitaker International would take the funds and invest in additional staff and technology that would lead to continued financial growth.  Additional staff allows for more classes offered.  Each business we are able to assist sees increased revenue after training and coaching of their staff.  Growth for us has an exponential affect as we work to grow other businesses, plus personal growth of participants as a life-long career investment.  The $250,000 investment will result in millions of revenue and jobs to our communities.

We need your help to win a $250,000 grant!  We need 250 votes in 2 weeks!!!

Please take one moment of your time to help us be eligible for the grant.

3 Easy Steps:

1.       Click here:

2.       Click the “Vote” button.

3.       *Sign into Facebook to confirm identity.

*You will get a pop-up that clarifies that Chase and/or Google (proud sponsor) will not be sharing that information or using it to contact you.

Thank you so much for your help!

Melissa D. Whitaker

How do you handle feeling powerless?

Everyone needs to watch the YouTube video link below:  “Look at yourself after watching this”

Sometimes we each feel powerless.  Kind of like the guy with no arms and legs in the video link above.  He is awkward to look at and most people look at him and think that he would not amount to much.  But he took what little was given to him and made it big.  Those are decisions that we have to make inside ourselves.  Only ourselves.

We take the constraints that the company we work for (or life) puts on us and we act like we have no arms and legs.  However, this guy chose to see it as opportunity to see how much he could do without arms and legs.  So instead flip it around and say, “How much can I do despite all these decisions the company is making that seem to cut me off?”

So often we want to be angry at some of the decisions and actions of our company and people around us for what is going on.  But maybe we need to think outside the box – who says that you could not think of better ways of doing something?  Take what you don’t like and say, “How can I make this better?”

I hope this adds some inspiration and perspective for you today — “Be an inspiration to Others”