6 Top Reasons Managers Don’t Coach

Your #1 priority as a Manager is to develop your people.  Building a “team of ultimate fighters” isn’t going to happen overnight.  However, by implementing a step by step approach over time, you will have a winning team, and be able to make quicker decisions.  Being a coach is a vital part of your job.  Not only do your employees look to you for direction, they need on-going coaching to understand and measure where they are today, and what steps to take to achieve greatness.

“Effective coaches focus on what they can do now to make what they want to happen in the future happen.” – Jim Stanley

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Do You Wonder Why You Aren’t Further Along?

If 2015 is going to be your year, then your commitment level to achieve greatness has to be taken to a higher level.  The reality is we are all human and many times we don’t want to take that extra step or push through when we’re tired.  We are our own worst enemy.  However, we all have greatness in us, we just have to have the discipline and commitment to realize our potential.  Turn your pain into greatness.  I know you can do it!  Do you?

Watch this video on commitment to inspire you what you are capable of:


“You have to want to succeed as bad as you want to breath.”



As we start 2015, everyone is talking about New Year’s Resolutions and setting goals.  The fact of the matter is that most people don’t have a good system for setting goals that materialize into results.  When people ask me what my formula for success is, I explain to them that throughout my life I have followed these 11 vital steps that are wildly successful in accomplishing and realizing the life that you want.

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