On the day of release, Beat the Curve reached best-selling status in two separate Amazon.com categories. The book reached #10 in Direct Marketing and #15 in Marketing for Small Business.


Beat the Curve

Beat the Curve

Health, Wealth & Success

Beat the status quo! Those who wish to improve are willing to make changes, others are dreamers.

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Pushing To The Front - Book

Pushing To The Front

Front Line Strategies from the World's Leading Experts

Melissa Whitaker recently joined best-selling author and speaker, Brian Tracy and several leading businesspeople and entrepreneurs from around the world to co-write the best-selling book titled, Pushing To The Front: Front Line Strategies From The World’s Leading Entrepreneurs.

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Pushing To The Front - Workbook & Video

The 11 Vital Steps To Achieving Extraordinary Results

My 11 Steps To Extraordinary Results Program is a multimedia, digital course designed to teach you a step-by-step approach to getting everything you've ever wanted in life no matter where you live, how old you are or what road blocks are in your way!

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