The Power of Gratitude

Most of us get caught up in our daily frustrations and or sales deals not closing. However, if we take a moment to sit in gratitude for the things in our life that we usually take for granted, amazing things happen. Take a moment to listen to this quick video where Melissa talks about The Power of Gratitude, Giving and Receiving, and The Law of Energy!

Have a great week!

Melissa D. Whitaker

Scale 1-10 Strategy in Sales

Happy New Year!

Click the video below to hear about The Scale of 1-10 Strategy:

Since most people try to avoid confrontation, sales people have the challenge of continually moving the sales forward even in awkward situations.  When deals stall out or are dragging on, try the “Scale of 1-10 Strategy” we talk about here to give clients a doorway to open up and keep moving the deal forward.