The Proven Social Selling Routine Used by 65,000+ Sales People

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As we all have seen, there is a BUZZ around Social Selling today.  It isn’t new, it’s just the focus in a heavy way today because just implementing traditional ways of prospecting is NOT working anymore.  One of the BIG things we talk about here at MWI is the importance of using a “Combination Approach.”

This is where we believe using this proven formula of Social Selling + Phone Prospecting (with a strategy) + In the field Prospecting (when applicable by industry) + Email Strategies + Voicemail Techniques = SUCCESS!!!

All of us who have been selling for a lifetime (it seems) and those that are just entering into this exciting career of consulting, know (or soon will) that Sales is not easy.  A career in Sales and to MASTER the Art, takes time, dedication, persistence and CONSTANT learning.  You see “Change” is inevitable.  It is the constant you can count on.  So as Consultants, we have to watch, listen and learn what is working today and what is not working today.  This ebbs and flows.

What that means is what worked for us even 6 months ago, may not work for us today.  What stopped working today may work again in 1 year.  You see, processes that become saturated usually become less effective (example phone calling).  However, as our profession starts to shift heavily into Social Selling since our phones are being screened at a much higher rate today . . .

. . . one day Social Selling in the future will also become impacted and potentially saturated (then we will have to shift again).  Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn how to master Social Selling TODAY – you should!  It doesn’t mean that you should stop using the Phone to Prospect, just make sure you have a strategy and combine it with other ways to prospect as well.  What it means is we have to stay on top of where we have to shift NOW to have higher impact.

So since Social Selling ISN’T saturated YET, now is the time to “capture the moment” on strategies that work when social selling.  Check out the article below that talks about the 11-step social selling routine that will have you up and running like a pro.  “The Proven Social Selling Rountine Used by 65,000+ Sales People,” will UP your GAME while it is still fresh and effective.  Remember, using a combination approach with strategy, and having proper frequency in your touches, will ultimately determine your success!  Click below:

Read Article

If you or your team would like to join us for one of our upcoming MWI Elite Sales Academy classes to learn ALL of the techniques that work today, and the strategy around implementation that catapults your success in sales, then register for one of our up coming classes TODAY:

Live Web Based version (Monday – Friday, 9am – 1pm CST) options:

  • August 15 – 19th
  • October 17th – 21st
  • November 14th – 18th
  • December 12th – 16th

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MWI Elite Sales Academy

  • Maximizing Minutes
  • Psychology of Buyers
  • Finding Ideal Clients
  • Discovery Appointments
  • Strategy – Competition
  • Recommendations
  • Creating Partnerships – Closing
  • Seeking to Understand – Proactively Handling Objections

What Attendees’ Will Receive:

  • Participants Sales Playbook Binder
  • Comprehensive Templates & Real Life Tools
  • Access to MWI’s Sales Assessment DNA Guides
  • Role Playing for immediate impact in Prospecting & Closing Deals
  • Road Map Step by Step guides for Combination Approaches to Reaching Buyers in today’s Economy
  • Psychology of the Buyer Decoder – Interaction Customer Mapping
  • Strategic Appointment Plan & Toolkit
  • Coaching Access to Melissa D. Whitaker
  • Copy of Melissa D. Whitaker’s Best Selling book “Beat the Curve”

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If you would prefer an “in person” experience (3 full day class), then just give us a call at 847.845.4922 or email us at and we would be more than happy to discuss options with you on how to have us come to your location or how to register for an open enrollment class held in Schaumburg, IL (Chicagoland area).