IGNITE Your Business 2022!

Come Join Us September 13-15, 2022, At the Bella Vista Suites & Spa, Lake Geneva, WI

It’s been a crazy couple of years, and THIS is the year we will be called to be strong, bold & courageous leaders, to rebound and come back better than ever. 

Otherwise, we’re just waiting for the world to get better. Instead, let’s step up to this call – let’s make the world better together. NOW is your time – time to look forward to your future with strength and clarity and CLAIM it for yourself. What does that mean? 

  • It means you OWN your future.
  • It means you take action right now to take charge of your life so that no matter what else happens, you are steady and strong on your course toward achieving your goals
  • It means you focus on creating your dreams and living a life of purpose, meaning, success and joy.

Networking is a Sales Professional’s Bread and Butter

By RJ Sales & Leadership Reports

Much of your success in sales is based on your ability to network effectively. Without connections, it’s not just your client base that will be limited, but also prospective partners, marketplace competitors, and intra-organizational individuals with whom you can exchange insights. Networking goes beyond the simple act of handing out calling cards or fliers nor is it just about filling up your contact list in a shorter amount of time. This business strategy of cultivating relationships with people or groups that matter is a powerful tool for a sales professional.

Here are some of the reasons why your career in sales could be enriched by networking:

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7 Quick Ways to Kick-Start Sales This Summer

Summer’s in full swing and it seems like every week holds a holiday or employee vacation. All of that disruption can wreak havoc on your productivity and leave projects lingering.  Sales can take patience and juggling through all the craziness of summer schedules.  Be intentional and implement these 7 tips to skyrocket your sales.

Here are 7 quick tips to keep summer sales flowing:

1.  Plan Your Day

It is easy to give in to the summer idea of relaxation however it is important to keep activity moving through the summer months.  Taking 15 minutes at the end of your day to plan tomorrow can increase your activity

2.  Create Urgency

It is easy for prospects to use the summer as an objection and a reason to put off meeting until later.  Create urgency by stating the value of what you have to offer and how it will benefit them with immediate results.

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